Montana Farm Bureau Federation

Montana Farm Bureau Federation

Your Voice in Montana... and Beyond

We know Montana’s farmers and ranchers.

We know you care deeply about your responsibility to provide healthy food and quality products for Americans, and for others around the world.

And we know you care about your families. Farming isn’t just a business for you—it’s a way of life. One that puts the food on your own table and the roof over your head.

And because we know…

We’re advocates for you, Montana’s farmers and ranchers—making sure your voice gets heard in Helena, in Washington, and in every corner of the globe.

We’re leaders—listening to your thoughts and opinions and setting policy accordingly.

We’re educators—training the next generation of farmers, ranchers and leaders to carry on our proud tradition.

And we’re community builders—providing education, support and a shared experience for our members… both those in the Montana agricultural industry and those who support it.

Together, we’re the Montana Farm Bureau Federation.

“We Care for the Country.”

We care for you.


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Representing Montana issues in the best interests of Montana farmers and ranchers. That’s why it’s our members who make final decisions...