Policy & Advocacy

The Voice of the Montana Farmer and Rancher
The Montana Farm Bureau uses our grass-roots approach to represent the voice of agriculture at local, state and national levels. Working to keep Montana agriculture viable for generations to come, ensuring you; the Montana farmer and rancher has a seat at the table. A respected voice in the conversation. And a hand in the outcome. Below is how we effect policy, and evoke advocacy at the state and national levels:

Whether we're championing private property rights in Helena, or slogging through trade battles in Washington. Montana Farm Bureau is legislative grassroots advocacy at its best. Respected by lawmakers. Formidable in its tenacity. Committed leaders steer state and national legislation in the direction determined by policy.

Commodity & Regulatory
Combining commodity-specific concerns with regulatory impacts. Montana Farm Bureau staff works to influence decisions on rules and regulations that affect farmers and ranchers on a state and national level. That’s one main goal - But we go much further than that...

Priority Issues
Issues important to agriculture and rural Montana. They are vast, complicated and misunderstood. That’s why the Montana Farm Bureau board—with direction from county Farm Bureau leaders throughout the policy development process—annually set a roadmap for leaders and staff to follow. So those issues most important to agriculture and rural Montana get the attention they deserve.

MFBF Washington D.C. Fly-In
MFBF seeks to provide opportunities for members to increase their advocacy skills and participation levels. Voting members are encouraged to get involved and make a difference in the agriculture industry by commenting on local, state and national level agency rule proposals, testifying on bills, contacting legislators, writing Letters to the Editor of the local newspaper, and so on.

Voter Voice - Take Action
Want to be politically active but don’t know how? VoterVoice makes it easy. Participate in our advocacy campaign. Find your elected official and his contact information. And get the latest on legislation that affects you.