Montana Resources for Hay and Drought

Resources to help you through this tough year of drought, hay shortage and fire.

The Montana Department of Agriculture's Hay Hotline
Visit the Montana Department of Agriculture's Hay Hotline to list you need for hay or hay available for sale. This resource will allow you to see where to buy hay from around Montana or the country.
Additionally, if you are planning to ship hay, follow these best practices to prevent noxious weeds and pests. Hay Shipments Weed and Pest Prevention

Montana Department of Natural Resources & Conservation
The Montana DNRC has a Drought Management website that contains many helpful resources and beneficial information, find that here.
Additionally the DNRC has an interactive map to see real-time and historical stream gage data, here.
Funding Opportunities: Montana DNRC Grants and Loans for Natural Resource Activities

Montana Department of Environmental Quality - FUNDING RESOURCES
The Montana DEQ has helped MFBF develop a list of Funding Resources to look into programs with funding opportunities. Check out this spreadsheet to learn more, contact Mark Ockey with questions.
Funding Resources (when this link downloads, be sure to click "Enable Editing" and then "Enable Content" so the links in the sheet work for you!)

Montana State University - Extension

American Farm Bureau Federation
AFBF Survey Assesses How Farmers and Ranchers are Dealing with Drought
With intensifying drought conditions across the American West, Southwest and Northern Plains, AFBF designed and distributed a survey to assess drought’s impact on farm and ranch businesses. This Market Intel, the first in series of drought-focused articles, summarizes the results of our survey. Future articles in the series will monitor agricultural conditions in the regions and spotlight state-specific hardships faced by our farm and ranch families.

Montana State Farm Service Agency (FSA)
Contact your local FSA office to learn about how producers can get assistance from the FSA in regards to to farm loans, commodity price support and disaster relief.

Options for Alternative Feeds
Finding hay for your herd may be a tough this year and looking at alternative feeds could be a viable option. Talk with your nutritionist about options like straw and cake and other forages to extend feeding availability.
If you need assistance finding a local nutritionist, contact your local county Farm Bureau or Regional Manager. Find your Regional Manager.

Montana Wildland Fire Information
Montana Fire Map and Information
See updated maps and information on current Montana fire conditions utilizing partners like Montana DEQ and Montana DNRC.

National Integrated Drought Information System (NIDIS)
This is a a nationwide drought information resource for the agricultural sector.