Resources for Rural Mental Health and Suicide Prevention- We Care for the Country.


MSU Extension and an associated statewide advisory council have developed an online clearinghouse of resources for a wide range of topics related to stress and mental health. The clearinghouse was created specifically for ag producers and their families, but it contains a wealth of information for anyone interested in learning more about causes of stress, stress prevention and management, and overall mental health. To access the site, please click on this link:

The Montana Department of Agriculture and Frontier Psychiatry have partnered to provide free access to counseling for Montanans involved in agriculture. Funded through the United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Farm and Ranch Stress Assistance Network (FRSAN), this partnership provides a variety of services, including individual counseling, telehealth, and medication management, at no cost to the participant.

The program is open to any Montanan involved in agriculture. Visit or call (406) 200-8471, Press 7 to learn more and schedule an initial appointment.

Senior Care Resources

To maintain their quality of life, older adults must have access to the right living situation and level of care needed. To help seniors and their loved ones, here is a free resource that provides comprehensive information on the quality of senior living in Montana.

Learn more


National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-TALK (8255)

The Crisis Text Line- Text “mt” to 741-741


Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration 
SAMHSA National Helpline 1-800-662- HELP (4357) 

SAMHSA Disaster Distress Helpline 1-800-985-5990

If you are in a severe life-threatening crisis, please call 911 or otherwise contact your local law enforcement and emergency medical services.

Drug Disposal 

Old prescriptions left unsecured in the home can often be an easy sources for someone thinking about abusing prescription medications and can pose danger to pets or children who may accidentally ingest them. They can also be confusing for elderly people who may have multiple prescriptions. Do not thgrid-x pills in the trash or dispose by flushing.

Montana Treatment Provider Information

Substance Abuse Disorder Providers and Level of Care in Montana.

Find Treatment

Resources for Rural Leaders

American Farm Bureau Federation Farm State of Mind

Resources for taking care of your mental health.  If you, or someone you know, are struggling with anxiety, depression or another mental health challenge, you are not alone. Check out the resources on the following link and follow #FarmStateofMind on social media to show your support. A healthy farm or ranch is nothing without a healthy you.

USDA Rural Community Action Guide

Once thought to be a problem only in big cities, the addiction crisis is crippling small towns and rural places across rural America. No community, geography, or zip code has escaped its reach.

Montana County Resource Guides

Montana State University Extension Addressing Mental Health in Non-Clinical Settings

Find a local trainer for Mental Health First Aid Course.

Ask in Earnest

You don’t have to be a professional mental health counselor to help save a life.  Just as our name indicates, asking in earnest can make a difference.

Farm Town Strong

The opioid crisis has struck farm and ranch families much harder than the rest of rural America. Farm towns will overcome this epidemic through strong farmer-to-farmer support and the resilience of our communities.

QPR Training

Question. Persuade. Refer. Three steps anyone can learn to help prevent suicide. Individual, Organization or Professional Training Options.