The Montana Farm Bureau Federation (MFBF) elected officers today during its 105th Annual Convention in Billings. The Montana Farm Bureau is the state’s largest general grassroots agricultural organization with 19,000 members.

Cyndi Johnson, a small grains farmer from Conrad, was re-elected as president. Casey Mott, a cattle rancher from Custer, takes over as vice president, succeeding Gary Heibertshausen who retired.

Jese Stetson, a cattle rancher from Fromberg, replaces Mott as District 4 Director. Re-elected to the board were District 2 Director J.M. Peck (cattle rancher, Melrose), District 6 Director Don Steinbeisser, Jr. (diversified farmer, Sidney), District 8 Director Ed Bandel (wheat farmer, Floweree), and District 10 Director Jim Willis (cattle producer, Wilsall).

Nick Courville, a Charlo rancher, remains the Young Farmer & Rancher Chair. Carla Lawrence from Boyd continues her role as Women's Leadership Committee Chair.

The convention takes place November 18-21 at the DoubleTree and Northern Hotels in downtown Billings.

About the Montana Farm Bureau Federation

The Montana Farm Bureau is the state’s largest general agricultural organization with 19,000 members. Montana Farm Bureau is a grassroots organization dedicated to preserving and improving the agriculture and natural resource industries through member involvement in education, political activities, programs and services. For more information visit