Senator Jon Tester stopped by the Montana Farm Bureau Federation’s (MFBF) headquarters in Bozeman Friday to discuss issues that are critical to Montana farmers and ranchers. MFBF Executive Vice President Scott Kulbeck said he and the senator had a productive visit.

“It was crucial for us to communicate with Senator Tester and our other elected officials on important and timely Montana agricultural issues. One of the things we discussed was the importance of including the repairs to St. Mary’s Diversion Dam and Canal in upcoming disaster relief legislation,” noted Kulbeck. “We discussed the importance of passing a farm bill sooner rather than later. I visited with him about the fact that important tax provisions put in place by the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 will expire in 2025. To save the family farm, it is essential that those provisions are renewed, especially provisions regarding estate tax.”

While at the Farm Bureau office, Senator Tester accepted the Friend of Farm Bureau Award for his work during the 118th Congress. The American Farm Bureau Federation’s Friend of Farm Bureau is given each Congress to individuals who have supported Farm Bureau policy as shown by their voting records. The voting records are based on priority issues selected by the AFBF board.

“It was a pleasure to present Senator Tester the Friend of Farm Bureau Award,” said Kulbeck. “We appreciated the senator’s voting with Farm Bureau policy on issues such as the controversial Waters of the U.S. Rule. He voted in favor of HJR 27, which provided congressional disapproval of the Environmental Protection Association’s harmful rule.”

Senator Steve Daines and Representative Ryan Zinke have also earned the AFBF Friend of Farm Bureau Award.