My name is Gary Heibertshausen. My wife Joyce and I are partners on a sheep and cattle ranch just west of Alzada, Mt. On a good year we put up some dry land hay, Mother Nature dictates that most years. I am currently the Vice President of the Montana Farm Bureau and a County Board member for Powder River/ Carter Co. I have been a member of Farm Bureau since 1981.

My interest in the ACE program started before ACE was ACE. I was on the MFBF Board of Directors when the concept was formed into what is now ACE. Later my interest peaked talking with previous graduates of ACE and listening to their enthusiasm. A program with keynote speakers, one-on-one training, a group of fellow Farm Bureau members, and the tools to better my ability to speak on why I love agriculture. My only thought is why did I not do it sooner.

With completion of the ACE program I hope to be able to ask the right questions when talking with members and future members to better understand what their thoughts and concerns are. Taking that information and explaining how MFBF is working on those concerns or using those concerns to talk with individuals outside of agriculture to tell our story. To be able to do this, I plan to be the person that shows up. Whether it be a Farm Bureau meeting or community activity.

I will use my ACE training for better communication with our legislators at the county, state, and federal levels on matters of policy of the MFBF. I will also use my ACE training to be an informative and effective voice for the MFBF.

As the environment we live in evolves, changes will occur. As farmers and ranchers, our voices need to be heard. Our story needs to be told. To do this effectively, we as farmers and ranchers need to learn to be willing to lead by stepping up and telling our story. We need to be able to ask the right questions and listen to the answers before we can successfully advocate for what we believe.