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By creating a guest login, you can choose to be updated on issues related to agriculture, Farm Bureau news, events, reflections on rural Montana and more.  For instructions on creating a guest account watch a short video by following this link.  Sign up for the Montana Farm Bureau News Letter and never miss important news, legislation & events.

Take your involvement one step further and become a member With Montana's largest and most influential agriculture organization. Montana Farm Bureau takes great pride in representing all sectors of agriculture and rural Montana. We have over a century of service and representation of Montana farmers and ranchers and we invite you to join with us in presenting a united voice for agriculture.

We realize that not everyone grows up to be a cowboy or a farmer. Even if you are not involved in production agriculture, your support of Montana Farm Bureau is a good investment. Your dues help Farm Bureau secure agricultural stability, which allows Americans to spend just 10% of their income on food. This is less than any other nation on earth. Supporting Farm Bureau is also important to Montana's environment. Our agricultural producers protect the land they work on, preserve open spaces and provide habitat for wildlife.

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