Young Farmers & Ranchers
Developing Montana agriculture's future leaders
The Young Farmer & Rancher (YF&R) Program of the Montana Farm Bureau provides an excellent opportunity for young farmers and ranchers, ages 18-35, to actively participate in Farm Bureau programs and become leaders in the Farm Bureau organization.
Young farmers and ranchers are a rare commodity these days, yet they are probably one of agriculture’s most important. It is imperative that we surface new leaders that will work to continue our agricultural way of life for generations to come. As a young farmer or rancher, an organization like Farm Bureau is a valuable tool to have under your belt. You have many challenges ahead of you; we can provide you with all the tools you’ll need.
As a result of active participation in Farm Bureau programs, YF&R members will experience personal growth and achievement as Farm Bureau members, farmers or ranchers, citizens and community leaders. Participation in membership acquisition and maintenance, legislative activities, policy development and execution, commodity promotion, marketing, political education and action, and local affairs build strong leaders for the future of Farm Bureau.
Staff Contact is Sue Ann Streufert – sueanns@mfbf.org
YF&R Leadership Conference
This statewide annual leadership conference will now be held in January and is designed to give young farmers and ranchers, ages 18-35, insights into agricultural issues and how, through Farm Bureau, they can work to solve them. This event is a great networking opportunity that has a balance of personal and professional development plus fun activities making it beneficial and enjoyable for all who attend. Watch our social media pages for more information on the conference agenda and how to register.
Hoofin' it for Hunger Trail Run
The MFBF YF&R Committee is proud to host the annual Hoofin’ it for Hunger Trail Run. The 5K and 10K run will be held in September in Dillon, MT and all proceeds from the race will be donated to the Montana Food Bank Network. This event is part of an larger partnership between YF&R programs across the country and Feeding America. Whether the contribution is a bushel – a dollar – or an hour, Farm Bureau and Feeding America is working together to finish an important job – making sure every American can enjoy the bounty produced on our farms and ranches. The Montana Farm Bureau YF&R Committee is proud to have raised $68,000 dollars for the Montana Food Bank Network. Since Harvest for All was launched, Farm Bureau families across the country have gathered more than 412 million pounds of food, logged more than 224,000 volunteer hours and raised more than $10 million in donations.
MFBF Collegiate Young Farmers & Ranchers
Montana Farm Bureau Federation has four Collegiate Young Farmer & Rancher clubs, on the campuses of Montana State University in Bozeman, UM-Western in Dillon, Miles Community College in Miles City and Dawson Community College in Glendive. The purpose of these clubs is to further communication among people with an interest in agricultural issues, educate college students about the work of an agricultural organization, provide college students experience with local, state and national government through active participation in legislative activities, learn about Farm Bureau policies and activities, and promote the profession of agriculturally-related occupations.
Established in 2004, 2012, 2016 and 2019 respectively, the chapters conduct meetings and participate in the Farm Bureau policy development process, MFBF’s Young Farmer & Rancher Leadership Conference, the National YF&R Leadership Conference, Calling on the Capitol events and a number of other issues and leadership development activities.
Young Farmer & Rancher Contests
Discussion Meet
The Farm Bureau Discussion Meet contest is designed to simulate a committee meeting where discussion and active participation are expected from each participant. This competition is evaluated on an exchange of ideas and information on a pre-determined topic. The judges are looking for the contestant that offers cooperation and communication while analyzing agricultural problems and developing solutions. The winner of the Montana YF&R Discussion Meet receives a new Polaris Ranger and an expense paid trip to compete at the American Farm Bureau Annual Convention.
2022 Montana Discussion Meet Registration Form
2022/2023 YF&R Discussion Meet Questions2020/2021 Discussion Meet Manual
2016 MFBF YF&R Discussion Meet Final Four Video
2017 AFBF YF&R Discussion Meet Final Four Video
2018 MFBF YF&R Discussion Meet Final Four Video
2019 MFBF YF&R Discussion Meet Final Four VideoPre-recorded conference calls that include additional information and expert insights on each of the six Discussion Meet topics are available upon request. Contact Sue Ann Streufert at sueanns@mfbf.org to receive those calls electronically.
Achievement Award
The contestants will be evaluated on a combination of their farming operation growth and financial progress of operation, Farm Bureau leadership, as well as leadership outside of Farm Bureau. More specifically, the judges will be looking for excellence in management, growth and scope of the enterprise and self-initiative that have been displayed throughout the operation. A contestant’s participation in Farm Bureau and other organizations is a definite point-getter from the judges.
Excellence in Agriculture
The Farm Bureau Excellence in Agriculture Award Program is designed as an opportunity for Young Farmers & Ranchers, while actively contributing and growth through their involvement in Farm Bureau and agriculture, to earn recognition.Participants will be judged on their involvement in agriculture, leadership ability, involvement and participation in Farm Bureau and other organizations (i.e., civic, service and community).
2021/2022 Young Farmer & Rancher Committee
J.M. | Peck | Melrose | CHAIR |
Nick | Courville | Charlo | 1 |
Jo-Hanna | Lien | Ronan | 1 |
Mark | Boyd | Alder | 2 |
Michael | Walsh | Twin Bridges | 2 |
Kevin | Arntzen | Hilger | 3 |
Vic | Lewis | Ryegate | 3 |
Zack | Weimortz | Billings | 4 |
Jacob | Stenberg | McLeod | 4 |
John | Olson | Broadus | 5 |
Fiona | Mott | Miles City | 5 |
Lee | Jensen | Circle | 6 |
Marianne | Gartner | Sidney | 6 |
Gwynn | Simeniuk | Bozeman | 7 |
John | Walker | Nashua | 7 |
Shay | Richter | Fort Benton | 8 |
Todd | Standley | Cascade | 8 |
Klayton | Lohr | Shelby | 9 |
Rocky | Forseth | Helena | 9 |
Katharine | Taylor | Bozeman | 10 |
Brady | Richardson | White Sulphur Springs | 10 |