
Farm Safety

People of all ages can be injured or killed in accidents on MT farms, but probably the most painful statistics are those that deal with children. The National Safety Council reports that each year 300 children die, and at least 23,000 children suffer nonfatal injuries in farm accidents. Many others are permanently disabled.

Montana Farm Bureau is concerned with the safety of our children on MT farms. Because of this concern, the “ABC on the Farm School Safety Program” for children in second and fifth grades has been implemented to ensure safety on MT farms.

This program benefits school children whether or not they live on MT farms. Many city kids frequently visit MT farms, so they too need to be away for the many dangers that are found there. Students receive take home materials including safety decals, an activity book, and many handouts that will be interesting to the kids and informative for their parents.

Contact Information

To schedule a program in your area contact – Rikki Murrill, Montana Farm Bureau Federation, rikkim@mfbf.org (406) 587-3153.


Volunteer leaders within Montana Farm Bureau’s Health and Safety Committee conduct the ABC on the Farm School Safety Program within their community each spring. They also display farm safety information at county fairs throughout the summer.


Water Safety 4 Kids PosterDOWNLOAD
ABC on the Farm for Kids Curriculum OverviewDOWNLOAD
Kids’ PuzzleDOWNLOAD
Kids’ FingerpuppetsDOWNLOAD
Kids’ Coloring PageDOWNLOAD