There are a lot of Montana Farm Bureau members across the state who spent a hot, dry and smoky summer doing their best to protect and preserve their homes, livestock and property.  With the change in weather and the 2017 fire season just a bad memory (finally) it’s time to  begin looking towards next year and determining how your business will make up for the losses you experienced this year.

One way for farm and ranch families to rebuild fences and recover a portion of the loss from drought and fire damage is through the Farm Service Agency (FSA).  The FSA is currently taking applications for the 2017 Livestock Forage Disaster Program.  Completing these applications can be a bit more involved than one realizes, so we wanted to share a little bit of information from FSA to help you complete your application.

Important Deadlines

While the deadline for the Livestock Forage Disaster Program isn’t until January 30, 2018, those applying need to be aware of the November 15, 2017 deadline for your 2018 Acreage Reporting.  If you don’t submit your Acreage Report by November 15, 2017 you become ineligible for the Livestock Forage Disaster Program.  Find out how to complete your 2018 Acreage Report by contacting your local FSA office.

Program Information

Are you eligible?  Well, that first depends on if your county is eligible for drought and fire relief.  If you’re not sure, you can find that information and much more information about the program in the 2017 Livestock Forage Disaster Program Fact Sheet.

There are more options available for Drought Recovery Assistance if you’re interested in learning more.

Additional Details

Applicants will be required to provide some additional materials to verify the information in your application.  Below is a list of some of the additional materials you might be asked to provide.  Each application is reviewed on an individual basis, so you may not be asked to provide everything on this list and there might be additional information that’s not listed that FSA will require.

Required Supporting Documentation for the 2017 Livestock Forage Disaster Program (LFP) - Montana

  • FSA-578 (Report of Acreage) for the grazing land incurring losses.  This must be completed no later than November 15, 2017. 
  • Evidence that grazing land is owned or leased (leases, deeds, etc.)
  • Verifiable Livestock Documentation.  Examples of acceptable documentation may include, but is not limited to:

Veterinary records

Cancelled Checks

Balance Sheets

Inventory Records used for Tax Records

Loan Records

Bank Statements

Property Tax Records

Brand Inspection Records

Sales and Purchase Receipts

Private Insurance Documents

Chattel Inspections

Livestock leases

  • AD-1026, Highly Erodible Land and Wetland Conservation Form
  • CCC-902, Payment Eligibility Form
  • CCC-941, Average Adjusted Gross Income Certification
  • Other Payment Eligibility paperwork as requested
  • Contract Grower Contracts, if applicable
  • Evidence that participant is prohibited by the Federal Agency from grazing the normal permitted livestock on the managed rangeland because of a fire, if applicable. 

Please note, each application is reviewed on an individual basis.  Additional information may be requested by the County Committee depending on the specific operation.  This list is not all inclusive.  Be sure to contact your local FSA office if you have any questions about supporting documentation.