The Montana Farm Bureau Federation is the state’s largest ag organization.  A powerhouse when it comes to representing the opinions of thousands of farmers and ranchers across the state; we know the business of preserving our industry.  Those preservation efforts don’t stop in Helena or even in D.C.; Farm Bureau also recognizes that real preservation means sustaining our family farms and ranches and investing in the next generation. 

Enter the Montana Farm Bureau Foundation.  With a strong emphasis on youth programs, the Foundation supports Montana agriculture through research, education and community development. 

The Foundation Speech Contest has been around for many years, but recently we’ve partnered with Montana FFA and the speech contest now takes place during the FFA State Convention.  The contest is open to students in the 7th, 8th and 9th grade; check out this video to see highlights from the contest. 

This year’s topic was:

Aiden Graham, a 9th grade student from Lodge Grass used his speech to describe how social media can be a great resource for bringing a face to family farmers and ranchers everywhere:

These bright, energetic students are the future leaders of Montana agriculture.  Farm Bureau works hard to encourage these students and invest directly into their endeavors as young agriculturalists. 

Foundation Facts

In 2017, the Foundation created the Fire Relief Fund in response to the devastating fires that affected much of rural Montana.  The Foundation Board of Directors voted to use $10,000 of their budget to establish the account and received another $10,000 in generous donations. This fund allowed the Foundation to provide financial support to many ranching families and to several volunteer fire departments.

The MFBF Summer Conference is June 12-14th at Fairmont Hotsprings.  On Wednesday evening we have a great night of food, friends and entertainment planned that all benefits the Farm Bureau Foundation.  It’s a wonderful evening and you won’t want to miss out—register here!

You can also donate online and help us bring more resources and opportunities to communities and their youth across our great state!