Read With a Farmer
As a new parent myself, I’m beginning to understand how special it is to read with my child. Even though she’s still a bit too young to interact much beyond studying picture books; it’s a part of our routine that I look forward to everyday. Reading with our children not only provides great one-on-one time for kids and parents it’s also very important for learning language skills and supports other cognitive developments.
September 6th is National Read a Book Day. In the Farm Bureau family we’re celebrating with our own little spin-off. MFBF is encouraging farmers and ranchers to read an Ag Accurate Book with their own children or host a local reading event in your community.
There are lots of children’s books about agriculture, but if you’re looking for a few ideas check out the American Farm Bureau Foundation’s Ag Accurate Book List. There are so many great titles to choose from that share positive, true messages about agriculture and life on a farm or ranch.
Bring these resources into a classroom or library in your community and host a reading event. This resource provides you all you’ll need to know about planning a classroom event including the Super School volunteering video. This short video includes a ton of great tips about working with educators and volunteering in classrooms.
If hosting an event on September 6th simply isn’t in the cards for you, no worries. An easy solution would be to consider donating a selection of Ag Accurate Books to your schools or library. Even if you can’t be there to read them in person, making these books available for kids to get their hands on is still a great idea.
Help us spread the word by sharing your activities on social media. Snap a picture of your kiddos enjoying a good read with their favorite farmer or rancher while ‘on the job’. If you host a reading event for your community share classroom pictures of reading circles and activities (be sure to check with teachers before taking any photos).
Share your photos to Facebook, Instagram or Twitter using the hashtags: #ReadwithaFarmer and #ReadAgBooks18. Don’t forget to tag @MontanaFarmBureau!
If you need more information or would like help planning a local event contact your Regional Manager.
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