This blog series will focus on thanking legislators who received the Golden Windmill Award.  If you missed our first post, check it out here.  These awards are presented to legislators who scored in the highest percentages on our Legislative Report card, who served on important committees and were active advocates for Montana agriculture.

County Farm Bureaus across the state are working to thank these legislators and present them with their award throughout the summer.  We simply wanted to take a little time via the blog to thank these individuals once again.

Senator Mike Lang, SD 17, Malta

Sen. Mike LangSenator Lang carried SB 155, also known as the seed bill, a priority piece of legislation to MFBF and a bill that is vitally important to Montana agriculture.   As a retired agribusiness professional and business owner, he was able to move this important bill through the Legislature and explain its importance and technical details to anyone who asked a question.

A key member of the Senate Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock Committee, Senator Lang was a valuable and respected voice among the committee members.  His working knowledge of agriculture was immensely helpful to everyone on that committee.  He is a strong supporter of private property rights and production agriculture.  Thank you Senator Lang for your service and thoughtful leadership during the Legislative Session! 

Representative Ray Shaw, HD 71, Sheridan

Rep. Shaw is very supportive of agriculture and a tireless advocate for noxious weed control and sage grouse conservation. His experience as a commercial pesticide applicator makes me a valuable asset when it comes to negotiating legislation impacting Montana’s fight against noxious weeds.

This session, he carried a bill to add mountain lions to the Livestock Loss Program, a program specifically supported by MFBF Policy.  While the Livestock Loss Program primarily supports ranchers who experience predation by wolves and grizzly bears, Rep. Shaw’s bill will allow the Livestock Loss Board to use any remaining funds at the end of each year to support people who experience livestock loss due to mountain lion predation.  Thank you Rep. Shaw!

If you’re a constituent of one of these fine legislators please join us in thanking them for their service to Montana agriculture!