No One Should Leave the Table Hungry
It’s no secret that the United States is a power house when it comes to food production. We’re home to one of the most abundant and affordable food production models in the world. As a rancher who personally contributes to that food supply each year, it’s concerning and disappointing that there are still people within our own borders who struggle to find their next meal. Those of us in agriculture know this is not an urban versus rural issue; many people facing food insecurity live in our own small communities.
That’s why American Farm Bureau started the Harvest For All program sixteen years ago. The program encourages farmers and ranchers around the country to help combat hunger. In 2017, young farmers and ranchers around the country raised nearly $500,000 and collected over 51.4 million pounds of food. In addition to the donations collected, farmers and ranchers put their money where their mouth is and racked up over 36,000 volunteer hours.
Closer to Home
According to the Montana Food Bank Network, food insecurity impacts 1 in 8 Montanans, including over 45, 000 children. Agriculture is the number one industry in our state; why are so many faced with the challenge of putting food on the table each day? While there are a variety of factors influencing food insecurity one thing we know for sure is that Montana’s farmers and ranchers are ready and willing to help fight this battle.
Fighting Hunger in Montana
Montana Farm Bureau’s Young Farmer and Rancher Committee is excited to announce the 2018 Hoofin’ It For Hunger race in Miles City. Over the last seven years, Hoofin’ It For Hunger has provided 132,000 meals for Montanans. The event raised an additional $7,000 in 2017. If you’re looking for a fun family activity on October 6th, 2018 consider a jaunt to scenic Fort Keogh in Miles City and take a run with us!
Register today!
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