While bigger membership drives and campaigns are a great way to spread the word and build momentum sometimes we just don’t have the time for that kind of project in our day to day lives.  When life is crazy and it’s all you can do to keep your head above water; just focus on this phrase, ‘it only takes one’.

One person has the ability to set the tone and build mountains of momentum when it comes to member recruitment.

It only takes one person to pick up a Neighbor to Neighbor packet and ask a friend or neighbor to join Farm Bureau.

It only takes one person to invite a new member to a Farm Bureau event or meeting.

It only takes one person to share a positive experience.

It only takes one person to encourage other members to step out and recruit.

It only takes one person to share new ideas and events that interest potential members.

Membership recruitment doesn’t have to be a large scale event that requires weeks of time and many volunteers.  There is nothing wrong with that type of membership work—in fact coming up very soon we’ll begin discussing how a County Farm Bureau can organize a membership drive.  However, the point is, don’t let the idea of a membership campaign stop you from taking initiative and asking potential members to join.

There really are very few rules when it comes to how County Farm Bureau leaders are ‘supposed’ to do their membership work.  It’s about getting out there and starting the conversation—one person at a time.