County Annual Meetings are behind us for another year and now it’s time to begin preparing for the MFBF Annual Convention in Billings November, 12-15.
This convention isn’t only about great workshops and socializing with friends and neighbors from across the state (although those are pretty great perks), rather the MFBF Convention is where the rubber meets the road.
“I know everyone’s busy on their farm and ranch trying to make a living and we’ve got all these things going on, but I think it should be a concern, on all our minds, that if we don’t get involved in Farm Bureau perhaps we won’t be quite so busy in the future.  We need to promote our industry, we need to be involved and we can’t just sit back and let everyone else do it for us.”

Lee Boyer took the words right out of our mouth!  As the District 4 representative to the MFBF Board of Directors and the President of Carbon/Stillwater counties Farm Bureau, Lee has experienced the MFBF delegate process and values its ability to influence agricultural policy in Montana.
Policy resolutions must be approved by the County Farm Bureau at the County Annual meeting before being heard on the delegate floor at MFBF Convention, but each county gets a certain number of voting delegates based on their membership size.  This, by the way, is another great reason to get out there and start recruiting some new members!  Those voting delegates, who are also selected by their peers during the County Annual Meeting, then participate in the delegate process during MFBF Convention where policy resolutions from the counties are discussed.
When you put about 150 people with unique voices, opinions, experiences and expertise together in one room for two days—it gets a little weird.  Just kidding!!  What really happens is that those unique perspectives blend together to create one powerful, unified voice that is shaping the future of agriculture across Montana and the nation.  This process is the pride and joy of MFBF and you don’t want to miss it.  Make sure you’re following Montana Farm Bureau Federation Annual Convention on Facebook to get all the latest updates.
We’re so thankful for Lee’s leadership and all the members like him who volunteer their time to participate in this great process.  Hear the rest of what Lee has to say by watching the full-length video on the MFBF Facebook page.