Happy New (Farm Bureau) Year!
We’re a week into the new Farm Bureau year which means Annual Meetings are officially behind us. With a new year upon us, it’s time to begin planning and strategizing for the new events and programs your County Farm Bureau will be tackling this year. A new year is characterized by renewed energy and fresh ideas; but one thing that remains constant in our world is membership.
Organizing and emphasizing membership work in your County Farm Bureau should be a priority in every new year. As you begin looking towards your goals for the next year don’t forget to put some thought into how you can incorporate membership work into all your new plans.
To help with the planning here’s a roundup of some of our previous posts on membership work:
- How (and why) to Membership
- What Does $75 Get You?
- It Only Takes One
- Ready, Set, Grow
- Ready, Set, Grow Part 2
- Ready, Set, Grow Part 3
- Armed and Ready: How to Slay your Membership Goals
Membership is the lifeblood of our organization. Not only do membership dollars turn the MFBF gears, but bringing in new members creates a sustainable organization. New members equal new ideas, new opinions and a fresh take on what you’ve been currently doing.
Bringing new members into your county Farm Bureaus is a great way to get a pulse on what’s working well for your organization. Ask for their perception and opinion on current programs and events hosted locally; this input is a great way to keep your County Farm Bureau sustainable, growing and attractive to new members!
Want more news on this topic? Farm Bureau members may subscribe for a free email news service, featuring the farm and rural topics that interest them most!