Friday Feature: Happy Trails to Retiring MFBF Board Members
Among all the festivity and excitement during the Montana Farm Bureau Convention, we’ll also be taking a few moments to sincerely thank the individuals who are retiring from the MFBF Board of Directors. Board members are elected by their peers and may serve for six years, consecutively, before terming out.
This year we’ll be saying good bye to two long-time MFBF Board Members.
Ken Johnson, District 9
Ken, a farmer from Conrad and a long-time MFBF member, has diligently served the MFBF Board these past six years. “The strength of MFBF is our local county organizations—we pride ourselves in being a grassroots organization,” Ken says of MFBF. Hear more from Ken on the MFBF Facebook Page.
MFBF President Hans McPherson describes Ken as “Mr. Steady”. “Ken is always there, always dependable and always on the job. He has a tremendous grasp of the use of technology in agriculture and has been a great asset during his tenure on the Board.”
Troy Kurth, District 1
Troy raises horses near Missoula and owns a contract firefighting business. A passionate advocate for natural resource management, Troy is always willing to speak up and voice his opinions. Troy is a conscientious leader and strictly adheres to the mission and goals of the Montana Farm Bureau. He was a strong voice in reminding others of that mission.
“Troy is like the compass on a ship,” says President McPherson, “always staying true to the direction and making sure that everything we do is leading this organization in the right direction.”
Gentlemen, our hats are off to you! We sincerely thank you for your years of service as a District Director. Your time and dedication to MFBF will not soon be forgotten and we wish you the best in all future endeavors.
Please join us at the Montana Farm Bureau Annual Convention during the Awards Banquet Tuesday night as we thank these individuals for their efforts on behalf of MFBF.
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