Food, Family & Farm Bureau
Powder River-Carter County Farm Bureau organized the Family Valentine and Farm and Ranch Values Dinner as a fun evening for members and non-members to come out and have a pre-Valentine brisket dinner for the whole family.
This county Farm Bureau works hard to add elements of fun and uniqueness to their events. There were a ton of door-prizes, the meal was free and the county hosted an “I Love Agriculture” youth drawing contest complete with prizes!
MFBF Vice President Cyndi Johnson and Scott Kulbeck, Director of Member Benefits, were the guest speakers for the “Discover MFBF” portion of the evening. VP Johnson shared with the audience why she joined and got involved in Farm Bureau. Scott spoke about MFBF’s focus on grass-roots policy development, leadership development opportunities and other programs. He also discussed how the MFB Foundation helps further the mission of MFBF and promotes agriculture.
A highlight of the evening came when VP Johnson awarded a $,5,000 check to the Broadus Fire Department. The Montana Farm Bureau Foundation voted to award the Broadus Volunteer Fire Department $5,000 to be shared with the Biddle and Bell Creek Volunteer Fire Departments from the Disaster Relief funds. The presentation of the check took place during the dinner and the fire chief, as well as several volunteers were in attendance to accept the check.
This is another solid example of how a County Farm Bureau can add value to your community and continue to serve the Farm Bureau mission. Events focusing on important policy issues, professional development and industry speakers are all fantastic to have in your County’s repertoire. However, there is something to be said for a casual, fun-filled evening celebrating Farm Bureau, family and the values of rural living!
POW Tip of the Week
Spread Events Out—consider what time of the year you hold the most activities and events. If your county Farm Bureau has numerous events back to back; it is worth moving one (or more) of those events to a different time of the year. Nothing spells volunteer burn out better than cramming three county Farm Bureau events into an already jam packed summer. Besides, it creates more activity and visibility for your County Farm Bureau within your community to hold events throughout the year.
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