Brews with the Farm Bureau

On July 9th, we gathered at the Edgar Bar in Edgar, MT for “Brews with the Farm Bureau”. The event was hosted by the Young Farmers and Ranchers (YF&R). As Zack Weimortz, chairman of the YF&R stated, “As a grassroots organization, the purpose was to bring our community together in a neighbor to neighbor event, which reflected the tradition that has served the American and Montana Farm Bureaus well for 100 years’’.
The outdoor patio at the Edgar Bar provided a perfect venue to gather with an outdoor bar, and tables adorned with umbrellas. Carla Lawrence provided centerpieces and additional decorations to set the stage! A designated table with MFBF trinkets and informational brochures was made available.
Sarah Boyer, secretary of the board, and a Chef in her own right, planned the menu with the owners, and it did not disappoint. There with delicious samplings to include a grilled marinated skirt steak on a skewer from the Oswald Ranch in Edgar and BBQ ribs alongside offerings of olive oil and veggie topped bruschetta, vinaigrette-based coleslaw and deviled eggs topped with candied bacon. YUM! Each participant was provided two drink tickets. We were thankful that Mother Nature provided a lovely evening void of wind, rain, hail, thunder and lightning.

Because, “reinforcing and strengthening member county farm bureaus” is part of the mission of the MFBF, we also focused the gathering on membership. Without active voting and associate members to advocate for farmers and ranchers across Montana and in Washington D.C., the Montana Farm Bureau could not carry out their mission. We hope to host similar events down the trail.
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