Each year students in Lindsey Fox’s Agriculture Education classes at Roundup High School celebrate and educate their peers about agriculture during National FFA Week.  This year was no different, Ms. Fox and her FFA members wanted to also provide a community service project of sorts in addition to activities like hiding a toy owl (the symbol for the FFA Chapter Advisor) as a daily scavenger hunt, a teacher appreciation breakfast and a school assembly to end FFA Week with a bang!

Ms. Fox is a Director on the Musselshell County Farm Bureau Board so the collaboration FFA and Farm Bureau went hand in hand for this event.

In an effort to share their passion for agriculture the FFA students read the Farm Bureau approved ag accurate book, “How Did That Get in My Lunchbox?”, to kindergarten and first grade classes at Roundup Elementary School. Accompanying the story was a hands-on activity for students to choose healthy foods from a newspaper and paste the clippings on their paper “lunchbox” filling in all of the different categories of food they learned about.

Aside from sharing with the younger students why they visited dressed up in their blue corduroy and a little bit about what they do in their organization, the FFA Students were able to practice their speaking and leadership skills during this activity.

Musselshell County Farm Bureau on behalf of Roundup FFA donated the books and lesson guides to the teachers at the elementary school.

Across the country, FFA Chapters spent FFA Week sharing agriculture with their fellow students and communities. FFA Week is a great time for chapter outreach as well as a time for alumni to show support of agricultural education and the FFA. If your county Farm Bureau would like assistance connecting with a local FFA Chapter or participating in a similar event, don’t hesitate to contact your MFBF Regional Manager.