A Youthful Future
"We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future.” –Franklin D. Roosevelt.
One of the wisest investments a farmer or rancher will ever make is to invest in the future generation of agriculturalists. Encourage their education, provide them opportunities to learn and impart your own knowledge and experiences. Montana Farm Bureau is honored to play a part in supporting young farmers and ranchers. That’s why we dedicate an entire day of the Montana Farm Bureau Annual Convention to the Young Farm & Rancher Committee. Monday, November 13 is all things YF&R, all day long. In fact, we have such an ambitious and energetic YF&R crowd that we’ll actually kick off YF&R events on Sunday afternoon with the Collegiate Discussion Meet.
Over the past few years the Collegiate YF&R program has grown rapidly and MFBF now supports three collegiate chapters at MSU-Bozeman, University of Montana Western and Miles City Community College. This growth prompted the addition of a Collegiate Discussion Meet to our Annual Convention and we could not be more excited! Join us in the Northern Hotel, Sunday at 3pm where two finalists from each Collegiate Chapter will compete for two spots at the National Young Farmer & Rancher Collegiate Disscussion Meet in Reno, NV in February 2018.
"We get young producers there to talk about current events, what they're struggling with on their operations, and we also get to bat ideas back and forth. We try to put forward solutions to issues or problems that might arise on different ranches or operations,” says Gilmen Gasper, a Farmer and Meat Processor from Circle who also serves as the State YF&R Committee chair. A former Discussion Meet winner himself; Gil has more to say about competing in the Discussion Meet. Watch Gil’s video to hear what he has to say.
Monday, November 13 continues the YF&R activities with the YF&R Committee Meeting at 9:00am in the Northern Hotel. This meeting is open to anyone interested in hearing about YF&R activities and what the committee is planning for the upcoming year. At noon, the YF&R committee will be hosting lunch where we’ll hear from Dr. Gary Brester of Montana State University and present the proceeds from the Hoofin’ It for Hunger Race to the Montana Food Bank Network.
Following lunch, the first round of the YF&R Discussion Meet begins at 1:15pm in the Northern Hotel. While the Collegiate Discussion Meet is strictly for members of those collegiate groups, the YF&R Discussion Meet is open to any MFBF member between the ages of 18-35. The winner receives a Polaris Ranger and the opportunity to compete in the American Farm Bureau Discussion Meet held during the AFBF Convention in Nashville, TN in January 2018. If you’re interested in participating our website has more information on the Discussion Meet rules and topics. The Final Four Discussion Meet round will take place at 5:30pm in the Grand Ballroom of the Northern Hotel.
The YF&R Committee will also have a silent auction opening Monday afternoon. Be sure to bring your checkbook and support the programs of this great group!
YF&R activities will conclude Monday evening with the YF&R Social & Dinner. This is an open door event, so if you’re a Young Farmer and Rancher and want to come enjoy a great dinner and better company, plan on attending! The evening begins at 7:00pm in the Double Tree Hotel Skyview Rooms I and II.
Whether you’re a young farmer or rancher or just simply ‘young’ at heart we hope you’re as excited about Farm Bureau convention and celebrating a bright future for Montana agriculture as we are. It’s going to be a great time!
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