Membership Value Survey
Montana Farm Bureau Federation Membership Value Survey
We want to know the decision-making factors you consider when deciding to renew your membership. Help us determine the aspects of Montana Farm Bureau that most provide you with a value. All questions are optional and answers are anonymous.
Your input is part of an initiative started by our Montana Farm Bureau Federation Board of Directors to evaluate the activities and programs most valued by our members. At the core of Farm Bureau, every event we organize, every effort we make on your behalf, every stance we take advocating for our members is carefully guided by our grassroots membership. Our success, as with the success of any organization, is largely tied to whether our membership as a collective and those we ask to join Farm Bureau perceive a value to belonging.
Determining organizational initiatives that provide the most value to members will help guide Montana Farm Bureau in meeting the needs of our members and help us communicate the benefit of engaging in Farm Bureau programs and activities.