The 2017 Young Ag Leadership Conference (YALC) is slated for Oct. 13-15 at the Radisson Colonial Hotel in Helena. YALC brings together people ages 18-40 with an interest in leadership, personal development, education and networking.

This year’s event kicks off Friday afternoon with an area ag tour followed by keynote speaker Brandi Buzzard’s talk “How to Combat Fear-Based Marketing.”

Saturday is packed full of informative sessions starting with the breakfast topic “Three Secrets for Increasing Profit” by Dave Pratt of Ranching for Profit. Workshops Saturday morning include information on the advancement of beef genomics, year-round intensive grazing, digital marketing, improving cash flow in a drought and more. Afternoon sessions include new information on no-till, leading the conversation on GMOs and financial strategies followed by dinner and entertainment.

Sunday’s closing breakfast features Kim Bremmer of Common Ground with “Celebrate American Agriculture; It’s Time to Speak Up!” Common Ground is a group of farmers having conversations via social media about the food they grow and how they produce it.

YALC’s action-packed program is put together specifically with young agriculturalists in mind by representatives from each of these organizations: Montana 4-H Foundation, Montana Wool Growers Association, Montana Grain Growers Association, Montana Farm Bureau Federation, Alpha Gamma Rho Alumni, Montana FFA Foundation, Montana State University College of Agriculture and the Montana Stockgrowers Association.

Registration fee is $40 before October 7 and $50 after October 7. Click here to register. Hotel reservations must be made by September 22. Call the Radisson Colonial at 406-443-2100 and ask for the YALC room block. Questions? Call Rikki Murrill, Montana Farm Bureau at 406-587-3153,