The MFBF Commodity Advisory Committees provide a forum for committee members to proactively discuss current issues within their specific commodity area. There are 12 committees specific to commodities or program areas that meet during the MFBF Summer Conference.  These videos provide a glimpse inside a few of the committee meetings.

2016 Montana Farm Bureau Weed Committee

Montana Farm Bureau Weed Committee Chair Steve Johns shares how biological bug controls can be used to eliminate noxious weeds from the Montana landscape. The Weed Committee is always looking for new, innovative ways to promote the eradication of noxious weeds to enhance the health and productivity of our lands.

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While policy development happens at the county Farm Bureau level, these committee meetings provide a chance to discuss important topics with a variety of individuals who have varying input and expertise.  Based on the discussion held during the meetings, the committee may make suggested policy recommendations that members then discuss at the county level and vote on during their county annual meetings.

Sounds interesting—how do I get on a committee? 

Each committee is made up of 10 primary members (one representative from each district) and 10 alternates.  Nominations must be made during the district caucuses held each November during annual convention.

Not sure what district you’re in? Find out here:

After the district caucuses, the nominations are submitted and the President makes the final committee appointments following annual convention. Each committee is assigned a MFBF staff contact.  This contact works with the committee chair and members to set the agenda for each meeting, share pertinent information between meetings, and collect resources for the committees to use when discussing policy.

Weed Committee members:

  • District 1—Alan Knudsen, Thompson Falls

  • District 2—Harris Wheat, Dillon

  • District 3—Earl Bricker, Moore

  • District 4—Theo Yanzick, Absarokee

  • District 5—Jenny Olson, Broadus

  • District 6—Todd Wolff, Vida

  • District 7—Scott Cassel, Glasgow

  • District 8—Bob Quinn, Big Sandy

  • District 9—Steve Johns, Canyon Creek

  • District 10—Chuck Plymale, Townsend

Do you have a voice in shaping the issues that impact your livelihood? Find out what district you would be in, reach out to your grassroots members and join the Montana Farm Bureau Federation today.