Sweet Grass County Farm Bureau is presenting a QPR Suicide Prevention Training Tuesday evening, February 18 at Sweet Grass County Ambulance Station, 200 W. First Avenue in Big Timber.  QPR Training teaches how to Question, Persuade and Refer by learning the warning signs of suicide, how to offer hope and get help. QPR are three simple steps anyone can learn to save a life.

“It’s a sad and sobering fact that Montana leads the nation in suicide deaths. Our farming and ranching families are not immune to suicide and are currently experiencing exceptionally stressful times,” noted Sweet Grass County President Bonita Cremer. “Our county Farm Bureau decided to sponsor a QPR training which is free to everyone and sponsored by Sweet Grass County Farm Bureau Federation.

The free training runs from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. and everyone in the community and beyond is encouraged to attend.

For more information contact Bonita Cremer, sgcofarmbureau@gmail.com. For more information on QPR visit qprinstitute.com.