Simple steps to look up your legislator
Here are a couple of resources you can use when trying to contact your legislator. As we discussed earlier this week, if we're going to make a big impact during the 2017 Legislative Session, now is the time to introduce yourself to your elected officials if you haven’t already.
If you’d like to simply send an email to an elected official, you can do that right through the Farm Bureau website.
Start by visiting our homepage at From there, you’ll want to click on the ‘Leg & Reg’ tab at the top of the page.
From the Leg & Reg page, select the link for the ‘Action Center.’ This link is in the box on the left side of the page.
Once in the Action Center you may enter your zip code in the ‘Find Officials’ box and click on the search button.
You will then be prompted to enter your mailing address. Once you’ve entered the information, click the search button once more.
After completing those steps, you will see a list of Federal and State officials. If you would like to find more specific information about an official; for example, their phone number, email, Facebook page or the committees they serve on you can do that as well.
Simply click directly on the officials name it a pop-up will appear containing more information. Click ‘close’ at the bottom of the screen to return to the entire list.
To contact an official directly, select the officials you wish to contact by clicking on the box next to their name. Once you’ve completed your selection, click ‘Compose Message’ at the bottom of the page.
You may then compose your message in the space provided. Once complete, click on ‘Continue’ to finalize your message and send it to your official.
You can also find your Legislator by utilizing the official Montana Legislative website; From the homepage, click on ‘Legislators’ in the left-hand bar; a drop down menu will appear and you’ll want to select ‘Find a Legislator’.
The next page will detail several options to search for a Legislator.
You can search by name, address, legislative district or through your county elections office. The fastest option, depending on what you’re looking for, is to search by name. You can view an alphabetical roster of the legislators and find their contact information by selecting their name.
These two resources make it exceptionally quick and easy to locate your legislator and find out how to contact them. Elected officials need to hear from their constituents and with these tools it’s easier than ever to communicate quickly and effectively.
If you’d like to simply send an email to an elected official, you can do that right through the Farm Bureau website.
Start by visiting our homepage at From there, you’ll want to click on the ‘Leg & Reg’ tab at the top of the page.
From the Leg & Reg page, select the link for the ‘Action Center.’ This link is in the box on the left side of the page.
Once in the Action Center you may enter your zip code in the ‘Find Officials’ box and click on the search button.
You will then be prompted to enter your mailing address. Once you’ve entered the information, click the search button once more.
After completing those steps, you will see a list of Federal and State officials. If you would like to find more specific information about an official; for example, their phone number, email, Facebook page or the committees they serve on you can do that as well.
Simply click directly on the officials name it a pop-up will appear containing more information. Click ‘close’ at the bottom of the screen to return to the entire list.
To contact an official directly, select the officials you wish to contact by clicking on the box next to their name. Once you’ve completed your selection, click ‘Compose Message’ at the bottom of the page.
You may then compose your message in the space provided. Once complete, click on ‘Continue’ to finalize your message and send it to your official.
Montana Legislative website
You can also find your Legislator by utilizing the official Montana Legislative website; From the homepage, click on ‘Legislators’ in the left-hand bar; a drop down menu will appear and you’ll want to select ‘Find a Legislator’.
The next page will detail several options to search for a Legislator.
You can search by name, address, legislative district or through your county elections office. The fastest option, depending on what you’re looking for, is to search by name. You can view an alphabetical roster of the legislators and find their contact information by selecting their name.
These two resources make it exceptionally quick and easy to locate your legislator and find out how to contact them. Elected officials need to hear from their constituents and with these tools it’s easier than ever to communicate quickly and effectively.