The Montana Farm Bureau is a strong supporter of agricultural education and was instrumental in rejuvenating Montana’s Ag in the Classroom Foundation.  Because of COVID-19 social distancing mandates issued by the State of Utah, the original summit was cancelled but an online conference has been developed as a way to make up for the cancelled event. MFBF is encouraging Montana teachers to register for the AITC National Virtual Summit slated for June 24-25. 

Workshop sessions presented by Agriculture in the Classroom state contacts, pre-kindergarten through 12th grade teachers and National Center for Agricultural Literacy lesson developers will be featured with elementary level sessions set for Wednesday, June 24 and secondary level sessions set for Thursday, June 25. However, all educators interested in Pre-K-12 agricultural literacy are welcome to participate in any or all of the sessions. The Zoom platform will be used to conduct the workshops. 

“We are glad to see this conference being broadcast virtually so teachers across the country can still participate and add some agriculture resources and ideas to their classroom,” said Montana AITC Vice Chair Rikki Swant. “We encourage educators across Montana to consider this professional development opportunity.” 

The agenda can be found at

Please be aware that you must register to receive the Zoom links for the workshops as each one has its own Zoom link. Each work shop is an hour, and the summit is free to all educators. 

For registration information and more on AITC, visit