Montana Farm Bureau announces May Membership Month
BOZEMAN, Montana—May is Membership Month at the Montana Farm Bureau, and the state’s largest general agricultural organization has planned a month of activities both recognizing and recruiting members.
“The greatest advocates for Montana agriculture are Montana Farm Bureau’s volunteer members,” said MFBF President Cyndi Johnson. “They spend an incredible amount of time and energy educating the next generation of Montana farmers and ranchers and they invest in their communities with workshops and events focused on current issues facing agriculture and rural communities. It’s exciting to recognize those volunteers this month and share why they are Farm Bureau Proud.”
“In a time when agriculture needs respected advocacy, reliable representation and a factual message, Montana Farm Bureau Federation is the strongest voice for agriculture both in Helena and in Washington, D.C.,” said the Conrad wheat farmer. “In addition, a membership saves you a lot of money whether you’re buying a new tractor or taking a trip with your family.”
In addition to advocacy, education, advisory committee participation, and leadership/community development, Farm Bureau offers unique opportunities to students (Collegiate Farm Bureau), young farmers or ranchers (YF&R Committee), and women (Women’s Leadership Committee). Membership Month is divided into five themes: May 1-5 is Farm Bureau Proud Week; May 8-12 is Grassroots Celebration Week; May 15-19 is Member Appreciation Week; and May 22-26 is We Care for the Country Week and May 29-31 is JOIN US Week.
“If you have any connection to or interest in agriculture, we want you to be a part of our grassroots organization,” said Johnson.
For more information check out the Montana Farm Bureau Facebook page @montanafarmbureau or call the office, 406-587-3153.
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