With the health and safety of our members and those around us in mind, the staff of Montana Farm Bureau will be working remotely (from home) for the next two weeks.  We will continue to monitor the situation throughout those two weeks to determine further steps. 

This will not change our ability to take care of the business of Farm Bureau.  We will be able to take phone calls and will have all our information available for everything we do now.  I know that the risk is not particularly high in Montana, particularly rural Montana but we don’t want to be the vector for spreading the virus around the state.  If you have questions you can call, 406.587.3153 or e-mail us just as you would now, click here for a staff directory.  

To all of our members and Montana's farmers and ranchers, be safe out there and be sure to thank the folks that continue to stock our shelves and transport our products.  There is no shortage of food thanks to all of you. 

John Youngberg, Executive Vice President
Montana Farm Bureau Federation

Meeting and Event Updates:

  • Ag In Color event in Helena - Canceled
  • Council of Secretaries - Postponed until further notice
  • MFB Foundation Youth Speech Contest - Postponed until further notice