Ever wonder how horse influenza spreads or what paperwork you need before you and your horse hit the road? The Montana Farm Bureau Federation Equine Committee has published an Equine Health, Disease & Risk Management brochure available to all horse owners.

The valuable brochure has an annual health checklist and an equine travel checklist along with equine health, disease & disaster resources which contains contact information for 10 different state and national agencies. In addition, the flip side of the brochure has an easy-to-read chart that lists the disease, signs and symptoms, how it spreads, prevention/treatment and consequences. The information has been reviewed by the Montana Veterinary Medical Association.

“The committee decided part of the problem regarding equine health was people just weren’t aware or knowledgeable enough to know what they should be doing to protect their horses,” said MFBF Equine Committee Chair Darcia Patten. “If there was something available that was easy to read and understand, we might be able to prevent epidemic diseases, quarantines and death.”

The free brochure can be downloaded via this link or a print copy can be mailed to you by calling the MFBF office at 406-587-3153.