NEW ORLEANS - Hans McPherson, a diversified farmer from Stevensville, was re-elected to serve on the Board of Directors for the American Farm Bureau during the organization’s 100th Annual Convention in New Orleans.

“I’m proud to represent Montana on the American Farm Bureau Board,” said McPherson. “I will continue to work to build strong relationships with the 31 other state Farm Bureau presidents on the board. This is a great opportunity for a president from a large state like Montana to have a conversation with the president from a place like Delaware. We find out what we have in common with North Carolina is not that different from what we’re dealing with in Montana, especially when it comes to governmental rules and regulations. It’s great to build those relationships. It’s exciting to be on the board of an association that has the political clout and respect of the American Farm Bureau Federation.”

McPherson added that he hopes to stay on the AFBF Foundation for Agriculture Board where he can help them with their fund-raising mission for ag education.