WHAT AN EXPERIENCE! Montana Farm Bureau is well represented by our local one and only Nicole Rolf.  She and the American Farm Bureau are highly respected and well-received by our congressmen at a national level. Our agenda was to visit our 2 Senators and US representatives.  We talked about Wilderness study areas, and horse harvest facilities in the US.  We talked about WOTUS and opening CRP for areas suffering from drought. On Tuesday we visited the American Farm Bureau office where we were enlightened by the agricultural economist, Shelby Meyers. We saw the Capitol building and the offices of our three congressmen. 
 We had dinner at the Dubliner. Ending our day with the sightseeing evening of the Monument/Memorial Tour. Beautiful evening and it makes you proud to be an American!  
Thursday we had meetings with different committee staff members of the Federal Lands Committee, and Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee members. Bottom line… we were able to speak as agriculturists about what issues are coming into play for Montanans from Water, Natural Resources, Endangered Species Act, Horse processing in the USA, the Wilderness Act and more. It was all very educational on just how the information from state to state among committees is shared and resourced and then processed for debate. Of course, Nicole showed us some quaint and fun eating establishments and a fine place to get a cocktail at the end of each packed, fun-filled day. It is important more members take the time to see firsthand what Farm Bureau, both in Montana and the American Farm Bureau can get done for us as we try to keep our freedoms in this great country.  Go see it for yourself.  Get involved now. We’ve got so much to fight for.  

By Monica Switzer and Sky Anderson, participants of the 2022 MFBF Washington, D.C. Fly-In