The Montana Farm Bureau expressed disappointment with the District of Arizona court ruling to vacate the Navigable Waters Protection Rule.

“Three other courts have upheld the NWPR after carefully reviewing it; it’s dismaying that this Arizona court saw fit to accept the plaintiff’s assertations as true,” noted MFBF President Hans McPherson. “This makes us very concerned that clean water and clear rules that affect farmers and ranchers every day are being overlooked.”

McPherson, a diversified farmer from Stevensville, added that there are many parts to the court ruling that need to be reviewed. Montana Farm Bureau is submitting comments to the Environmental Protection Agency, giving strong support to keeping the NWPR, and urging them to avoid returning to the onerous, unclear and concerning Waters of the U.S. Rule.

American Farm Bureau President Zippy Duvall added, “This ruling casts uncertainty over farmers and ranchers across the country and threatens the progress they’ve made to responsibly manage water and natural resources. We are reviewing the ruling to determine our next course of action. Farmers and ranchers deserve consistency and a rule that is fair and doesn’t require a team of attorneys to interpret.”