Farm Bureau YF&R competitive events offer great prizes, education
Farm Bureau, at both the state and national level, offers excellent opportunities for young farmers and ranchers to hone their knowledge about agriculture and win amazing prizes. The YF&R competitive events include the Achievement Award, Excellence in Agriculture Award and the Discussion Meet.
The Achievement Award recognizes Young Farmers & Ranchers who have excelled in their farm or ranch and have honed their leadership abilities to superiority. Participants are involved in production agriculture with a majority of their income subject to normal production risks. Judges evaluate competitor's excellence in management, growth and scope of their enterprise and self-initiative that have been displayed throughout the farm or ranch.
The Excellence in Agriculture Award spotlights young Farm Bureau members who are agricultural enthusiasts but have not earned a majority of their income from an owned production agriculture enterprise in the past three years. Competitors are evaluated on their understanding of agricultural issues, leadership experiences and achievement, and their ability to communicate their agricultural story.
The Discussion Meet competitive event simulates a committee meeting where discussion and active participation are expected from each participant. This competition is evaluated on an exchange of ideas and information on a pre-determined topic. Participants build basic discussion skills, develop a keen understanding of important agricultural issues and explore how groups can pool knowledge to reach consensus and solve problems.
In 2019, the national winners of the Achievement Award, Excellence in Agriculture Award and Discussion Meet will receive a new Ford truck. The three runners-up will receive a Case IH Farmall 50A tractor. Third place finalists will receive a Case IH 40” Combination Roll Cabinet & Top Chest and a $500 parts card, as well as $2,000 of Stanley Black & Decker merchandise. Fourth place finalists will receive a Case IH 40” Combination Roll Cabinet & Top Chest and a $500 parts card.
“These national YF&R competitions allow you to participate at the Farm Bureau Annual Convention. This is a great program with a lot of value,” said MFBF YF&R Chair Gil Gasper. “The competitions can be difficult and rigorous, but if you’re interested you will gain so much knowledge by putting in an application and going through these competitive events.”
Young farmers and ranchers are urged to fill out the applications at the state level and participate in the events. The Montana Farm Bureau will hold their Discussion Meet Thursday, November 8 at during their annual convention in Billings. The winner of the MFBF Discussion Meet not only receives an all-expense paid trip to compete in the American Farm Bureau Discussion Meet in January in New Orleans, but a new Polaris Ranger® thanks to participating Polaris dealers in Montana. (Gallatin Recreation, Helena Cycle, Sports City Cyclery, Yellowstone Polaris, Beaverhead Motorsports, Riverside Marine & Cycle, Montana Power Products, Jesco Marine, Kurt’s Polaris, Redline Sports, Inc. and Lewistown Honda & Polaris.)
For more information contact Sue Ann Streufert, 406-587-3153, or visit
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