American Farm Bureau Federation President Zippy Duvall urged swift confirmation of Judge Neil Gorsuch to the United States Supreme Court in a letter to the full Senate.                                                                                             

“Supreme Court decisions affect farmers’ and ranchers’ ability to be productive,” wrote Duvall. “Important cases are expected to be coming up and we need a full Supreme Court to provide for the full functioning of our third branch of government. Most important, we need a justice as qualified and dedicated as Judge Gorsuch.” 

Montana Farm Bureau President Hans McPherson agreed. “Montana Farm Bureau supports Neil Gorsuch for the U.S. Supreme Court because he respects the law and the Constitution as written. He has the experience necessary to be an excellent justice.  Furthermore, his past decisions show that he will not blindly defer to regulating agencies, but will perform his constitutional role of interpreting the laws that Congress writes.”                                                                                                   

Duvall also noted that previously, the Senate confirmed Judge Gorsuch for the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals without a single dissenting vote. 

“Likewise today, there is no rational basis to oppose his confirmation,” Duvall wrote. “Tactics to block a vote on this nomination appear to be cynical tit-for-tat politics. The public deserves better.” 

Describing the many challenges facing the nation as “too important to continue with a vacant seat on the Supreme Court,” Duvall urged senators to vote in favor of confirming Judge Gorsuch and to oppose unnecessary delays.