President Trump and USDA Secretary Perdue have announced a second round of aid through the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP). Up to $14 billion will be used to help farmers devastated by the economic disaster caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Almost $10 billion from the first CFAP provided much-needed support to livestock, dairy, non-specialty and specialty crop producers throughout the country. Some farmers were initially left out of CFAP, and although the program was expanded to include more commodities, aid was only made available for losses suffered before April 15, 2020. The deadline for most producers to apply for the first round of CFAP assistance expired on September 11. Signup for the second round of CFAP will run from September 21 through December 11, 2020.

“I know Montana farmers and ranchers will be pleased to see the addition of crops that failed to make the first round—alfalfa, sugar beets, hemp and all classes of wheat,” noted Montana Farm Bureau President Hans McPherson.

“Even though some of the concerns regarding food supplies have diminished, farmers and ranchers are still experiencing hardships due to poor commodity prices, weather events and trade imbalances. This additional CFAP support will ensure shelves stayed stocked at the grocery store and food is on your table.

”The diversified Stevensville farmer urged any ag producer with concerns or questions regarding round two of CFAP to contact their local Farm Service Agency office or visit