Hello! My name is Keturah Moberg from Redstone, Montana. I'm a relatively new member to Farm Bureau, but I have been a long time supporter of the organization and their work advocating for the agriculture industry and giving producers a voice.

As an agriculture teacher, there is always more to learn since our ag sector is as ever changing. The A.C.E. Leadership Program stands for everything that I strive to be inside the classroom. But I'm also a farmer's wife and mother to hopefully another generation of farmers. I know there has to be more I can do to leave a better life for them. This program is helping me hone the skills I have to make an impact beyond the classroom.

In 2011, the Daniels-Sheridan Counties Farm Bureau disbanded due to membership decline. Therefore, my husband and I are currently members of the Richland County Farm Bureau. Not that distance is a new concept to us, but it does lend difficulty to being as involved as we would prefer. Through A.C.E., can I become the person who brings our local Farm Bureau back? Can I help provide opportunities to the young agriculturalists returning to the area and inform seasoned producers about policy that matters to the legacy they hope to leave?

I love people. A feeling of community and involvement can provide a sense of purpose that is innate to human existence. Depression, stress, anxiety, and/or mental illness, can steal all of that. Agriculture is a volatile industry, where rural Montana became the epitome of "pull yourself up by your bootstraps." This has become a sense of pride. We are the ones who show up for others, but sometimes at the peril of our own well-being. Sometimes, we're willing to help when others need it, but we're not willing to receive reciprocal action. 

When I think of our agriculture community, I think of these words: Independent. Courageous. Self-reliant. Tough, but, not unfeeling. Passion for the land. Passion for the livestock. Passion for the crops. Passion to do the right thing and live a life of purpose. These tough decisions can bring unbearable stress, and I want to bring information and a community of faith to alleviate some of that stress. I believe a local Farm Bureau can help.

There's a hurdle in front of me and confidence is on the other side. My hope is that A.C.E. can help me over the biggest hindrance of providing the opportunity for local producers to connect across the state and make a positive difference.

Let's build each other up. Let's care. Let's keep building a quality life in the country.