Teachers in grades K-8 you have 12 chances to win! We will choose 1 winner, at random, of the entries submitted each month. Contest opens April 2019, ends June 2019.

Teachers/Educators must submit the following items in their entry

  • Picture of the project/ material that brings agriculture into your classroom (ex. Bulletin Board, Book, Guest Speaker, Activity, Field trip… Etc.)
  • A message about your project and why you feel it’s important to bring agriculture into the classroom.
  • Name, Grade/ Subject taught, School, Email address, Affiliation to Ag (if you want to share! Ex: grew up on a farm/ranch, current farmer/rancher, MFBF member…)

Entries due to rikkis@mfbf.org on the last day of the month.

Winner will be chosen by the 5th of the following month and announced on MFBF’s social media channels.

Winner will receive a prize of ‘Ag Accurate’ materials from the American Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture suitable for their grade level.

MFBF assumes the rights to the photos submitted. Please take care that you only submit photos that can be used for MFBF media if students are pictured.