The Montana Farm Bureau Federation (MFBF) has announced the winners of the Montana Youth Agriculture Literacy program drawing contest. “Montana Ag in Color” was developed in recognition of National Ag Week, March 17-23, as a creative competition for elementary school children. Each grade was given a different agricultural theme ranging from “Grains of Montana” and “Cattle in Montana” to noxious weeds, farm safety and ag-related careers. One winner was selected from each grade with judges selecting one drawing from the winners to receive the "Farm Bureau Proud" designation.  

Kindergarten – Kinsley Lawson, Choteau Elementary, Teton County

First Grade – Zoey Hansen, Ekalaka Elementary, Carter County

Second Grade – Kayson Amsbaugh, Terry Bolin School, Prairie County

Third Grade – Vivienne Mallo, Lavina Elementary, Golden Valley County

Fourth Grade – Demi Math, Malta Elementary, Phillips County

Fifth Grade – Mesa Scalese, Geyser Elementary, Judith Basin County

Sixth Grade – Lexie Carter, Fromberg School, Carbon County 

Kayson Amsbaugh received the Farm Bureau Proud award. 

Entries were judged by the Montana Farm Bureau Women’s Leadership Committee (WLC) on agricultural content, originality, neatness and reproducibility.  

"The annual Ag in Color drawing contest is another great opportunity for getting agriculture into the classrooms for grades K-6. The students learn more about rural life on a farm and ranch, while having fun drawing pictures and showcasing their talents. This contest holds significant importance because agriculture is the number-one industry in Montana,” said MFB-WLC Chair Carla Lawrence.  

Winners and classroom teachers will receive a cash prize and goodies from Montana Farm Bureau during Ag Week. Winning entries will be printed and distributed on usable items and educational materials. They will be posted on the Montana Farm Bureau website and Facebook page.